When summertime finally rolls around, there's no better way to embrace the sunshine and warm weather than with a family vacation. But since there's no telling when an accident may occur, you might be headed to the beach in more than a bathing suit and flip flops; a cast healing a broken bone, for instance, may put you in a different head space when you're hanging out on the sand.
According to a report by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, broken bones and fractures in children during the summer most likely come about because of hours spent participating in activities like handball, skateboarding, rollerblading, soccer and trampoline use. This may result in experiencing a broken bone before or during a vacation, but you shouldn't let it stop you from enjoying your time away from your normal 9 to 5 schedule.
If you're headed to your beach getaway with a cast on, you can still enjoy yourself and even get in the water. Consider the following tips for keeping your protective device in good shape:
Take it easy
Don't let the excitement of your vacation make you forget the fact that you have an injury. If you recently broke a bone, make sure to take it easy while you're on the beach. Avoid running to reduce your risk for tripping and falling on your injury. The last thing you want during your vacation is a trip to the ER to repair a damaged cast and potentially worsened injury.
Careful with the sunscreen
Your skin needs sun protection, especially when you're spending so much time on the beach. If you get sunscreen underneath your cast, however, you may irritate the skin and cause bacteria growth. Be careful when applying your SPF lotion this summer.
Keep it clean
Dirt and sand could get underneath your cast as well, causing irritation that leads to pain. Any type of build up can also cause the protective mechanism to break down and keep it from healing your broken bone as it was designed to.
Unfortunately, most casts aren't waterproof so you could risk damaging the mechanism if you decide to take a dip in the ocean. If you can't imagine a beach vacation without spending some time in the water, just make sure your cast is protected at all times.
SEAL-TIGHT waterproof cast and bandage protectors, for example, are designed to keep water out while showering, bathing or swimming. The Sport version is designed specifically for recreational water activities, built with high-performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily and maintains its waterproof seal. This version is available in Adult Sport Arm, Adult Sport Leg and Pediatric Sport, so the whole family can enjoy the water this summer.
A broken bone doesn't have to ruin your beach vacation. Browse the SEAL-Tight products from Brownmed today to learn more.